Friendly competition is at the heart of FIRST Lego League (FLL) Challenge, as teams of students in grades 4-8 engage in research, problem-solving, coding and engineering a LEGO robot that navigates the missions of a robot game. As part of FLL Challenge, teams also participate in an innovation project to identify and solve a relevant real-world problem, which they present to a panel of judges at competition. FLL Students focus intently on the FIRST Core Values of Innovation, Discovery, Impact, Teamwork, Inclusivity and Fun, and they practice these values throughout the year. The teams get a new challenge in August, and compete in November.

CLICK HERE to learn more about FIRST Lego League.

Introducing the Theme for 2024-2025!

About our Teams

FIRST Lego League (FLL) Teams #60420 and #61136 are the first two FLL teams sponsored by the Broomfield Robotics Club and were rookie teams for the ‘23-’24 Masterpiece season. Teams #64939 and #64936 were launched in 2024. These four teams currently have a total of 40 members in grades 4-7. They meet twice a week during the fall to get ready for their competition in November, and then they meet twice a month during the spring to work on skills and fun projects.

We believe that we all benefit from working with teammates who are different than ourselves. In this spirit, our goal is to create teams that are as diverse as possible. We encourage female students, students of color, students who are neuro-diverse, and students who speak languages other than English to join. Students from these demographics are dramatically underrepresented in STEM careers, and part of our mission is to change that!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you meet?

All meetings are held in our workshop at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church at 1700 10th Avenue in Broomfield, Colorado. Holy Comforter is our generous host, but our team is not religiously oriented, and people of all faith backgrounds are welcome.

What is the time commitment?

We believe that consistency is an important part of building strong team relationships, so we expect our team members to attend regularly and participate fully. While we are flexible in attendance so that our members can prioritize their health, education and family, we ask that if your student and family cannot commit to attending at least 75% of the monthly meetings that you discuss this with us prior to committing to the team.



(July 7 - December 9, 2024)

Regular Meetings

Every Monday 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Every Sunday 1:00 - 3:00 pm (Aug - Nov only)


Competition TBD (One Full Saturday in November)

State Championship (If team qualifies) Saturday, December 7, 2024


(January 13 - April 21, 2025)

Regular Meetings

Every 2nd & 4th Monday 6:00 - 8:00 pm

End of Year Celebration

Sunday May 4, 2025 3:00-5:00 pm


TBD - Plan on 1-2 per semester



(July 12 - December 13, 2024)

Regular Meetings

Every Friday 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Every Sunday 3:00 - 5:00 pm (Aug-Nov only)


Competition TBD (One Full Saturday in November)

State Championship (If team qualifies) Saturday, December 13, 2024


(January 10 - April 25, 2025)

Regular Meetings

Every 2nd & 4th Friday 6:00 - 8:00 pm

End of Year Celebration

Sunday May 4, 2025 3:00-5:00 pm


TBD - Plan on 1-2 per semester

Why is the schedule different for fall and spring semesters?

Each year, teams begin meeting in July to focus on team building and skill development. August through November is "Build Season" and teams meet twice each week to work on their robots and innovation projects to prepare for their competition. Teams compete one Saturday in November, and continue the "Build Season" schedule into December if they qualify for the State Championship.

After taking a break in December, teams move into the "Off-season" and meet twice each month in January through April to work on skill development and fun Lego and coding projects. Teams take a break in May and June before preparing for "Build Season" again starting in July.

Does my student have to participate in both semesters?

Yes. Our program is designed to be a year-round program, balancing work and competition with play and community.

Is transportation provided to meetings or competitions?

No. Transportation of FLL students is the responsibility of the families so transportation is not provided. If this presents a challenge for your family, please contact us to see if arrangements can be made with another family.

How much does it cost to participate?

The cost per student is $100/semester, due June 1st and December 1st. We never want cost to be a barrier to participation so payment plans and scholarships are available upon request.

Student fees help cover only a fraction of the cost to run a team. The rest of the cost is paid for through individual donations, grants, and corporate sponsorships. Any help parents can provide with connecting us to additional funding is greatly appreciated.

When and how do I join?

Our FLL Challenge teams begin meeting in early July to get ready to tackle the new challenge that gets released the first week of August. We try to have all our students on board every year in July.

As of July 2024 there is a waiting list for all of our FLL Challenge teams. Students are selected off the wait list based on grade and gender balances of the teams, enrollment of other siblings or parent mentors in the program, and length of time on the wait list. The wait list carries over from one season to the next, and we will contact you when a space becomes available for your student. We use our wait list to guide how many teams to run each year, so please add your student to the list if they might want to participate in the 2025-2026 season. (If you have a student enrolled in FLL Explore at Broomfield STEM, you do not need to add them to the FLL Challenge wait list.)

Meet the Mentors