About Us

Founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2023, our mission is to make quality Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning accessible, inclusive and fun for people of all ages in Broomfield, CO and the surrounding communities. Through partnerships within the STEM and educational communities, we work with local engineers, teachers and volunteers to foster a community that values belonging, curiosity, collaboration, innovation and play. Currently our focus is on providing an engaging and accessible competitive robotics program for students in grades K-12 through the Broomfield Robotics Club, in which we can provide a deep dive into multiple branches of STEM curriculum. Inclusion is one of our top priorities, and we strive for equity and belonging for all of our students, regardless of their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, country of origin, language, or special learning needs. All are welcome in Broomfield STEM!

We need your support!

Broomfield STEM and our flagship program, the Broomfield Robotics Club, is generously hosted by Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, who houses a permanant workshop and meeting space for the teams. Our funding comes primarily from grants, donations from individuals and organizations, and corporate sponsorships. This funding allows us to keep student fees low while providing quality materials and opportunities for our students, as well as scholarships for students who wouldn’t otherwise have access to such experiences. Your support is an investment in our future scientists and engineers. Thank you!

Thank you to our sponsors!